Sign-up optimisation


FinTech, Payment





The project focused on optimizing the sign-up flow and onboarding process for, a financial trading platform, in new markets. The aim was to personalize sign-up forms and integrate local identification and payment methods to make it easier for users to sign up and onboard. I worked on this project while at

Problem statement

When entering new markets, financial products like trading platforms often face challenges with personalizing sign-up forms and integrating local identification and payment methods. This can create barriers for users who may not be familiar with the product and its features.

What we've done

1. UX research

2. User interviews

3. User and Usabilty Testing

4. UI/UX design

5. Prototyping

Design process

During the optimization of the sign-up flow and onboarding process for, I followed a structured design process:

  1. Market Research: Conducted extensive research on markets such as China, South Korea, and Azerbaijan to understand online identification practices and user behaviors.
  2. User Interviews and Testing: Interviewed users in each market, gathering qualitative data and observing their experiences with similar flows and apps. Ran high-fidelity interactive flow tests and collected user feedback.
  3. Localization: Created language files translated by local translators and proofread by native speakers, ensuring seamless translation of UX copy in each market's native language.
  4. Integration of Identification and Payment Methods: Addressed challenges in integrating identification and payment methods by reviewing documentation and finding solutions for formatting issues. Included appropriate hints and informative messages.
  5. Payment Method Insights: Discovered varying popular payment methods across different markets. For instance, Cacao in South Korea, a mobile app for money transfers and payments, and WeChat and WePay in China, popular for their convenience and ease of use.
  6. Personalized Sign-up Flow: Designed a sign-up flow and onboarding process tailored to each market's preferred payment methods and identification practices.
  7. Detailed Reporting: Provided a comprehensive report on user data preferences, including personal and contact data formats, payment methods, first deposit amounts, and implementation guidelines for payment and identification methods.

User flow


The key takeaway from this project was the importance of leaning into local users and using local talent to optimize the sign-up process for new markets. By personalizing sign-up forms and integrating local identification and payment methods, was able to create a more user-friendly onboarding experience for users.

Finale designs ( South Korea )

Here are few of the screens designed as part of the sign-up / Onboarding flow for the South Korea Market, theses designs are made for the mobile App. the complete designs can be shown during the interview when requested.